Youth Career Coaching for Young Adults Seeking a Purposeful Career?
Unsure about your studies? Need a résumé that works?
Confused and need help with your career choices, job search, interviews, employment negotiations, workplace relationships? Stuck in a job you hate?
Career Coaching is not just for Professionals in the workforce. Youth Career Coaching for Young Adults is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximise your personal and professional potential at every stage of your career from leaving school through to retirement.
The Career College's Managing Director Annette Hurley has many years experience teaching, lecturing and coaching youth.
The Career College is Committed to Training our Youth
Proudly hiring Griffith University interns and students from Griffith Business School and Department of Humanities since 2015
Assisi Catholic College and Pacific Pines High School school based trainees via Prestige Training Services since 2017
"Annette has helped me with my confidence. She has taught me life
lessons that anyone my age must know that would crucially help him or
her be their own best self."