Do You Have a Job Position You Need Filling?

We will help you to attract high quality
and qualified candidates to your open position!

Finding the right candidate starts with the right job description!

With millions of candidates searching for a positions every month, your job description is the first connection between you and your new hire.

Sound Daunting?

At The Career College we provide Job Description Writing Services to assist you in removing the stress of finding a new candidate.

This service will provide you with an overview of you company and expectations for the position outlining the activities and responsibilities required

  So that the perfect candidate can find you!

The success for any organisation depends on the performance of its employees

A critical component to any recruitment and selection process begins with job description services, as it is the key foundation of selecting the right candidate to deliver the role requirements and objectives.

Our Job Description Services begin with a role analysis…

Role analysis is a structured exercise that provides clarity to what the role is required to achieve, it’s rational within the organisation, and the attributes of an effective role occupant. By first defining the duties, competencies and expectations required to perform the role, helps to reduce distortions caused by role ambiguity, resulting in developing a participative and team building culture.

The Process of role analysis:

The important concept of conducting a role analysis is that the focus is about the job, not who the occupant will be. The team at career development and management are experts in developing role descriptions, whether that is for a single position, multiple positions within a team or your entire business /organisation.

Our approach is to ensure each job description  is aligned to your business objectives, with clearly mapped defined goals, duties and responsibilities of the role to reduce role ambiguity.

Once the above is established, we assist you in setting the key competencies of the role which are the means to attracting the right calibre of candidates. These key competencies can also be used to measure performance, identify gaps in skills and knowledge and succession planning.

The services we offer:

Benefits for an organisation include:

Benefits for an employee include: