The Multicultural Professional Network
Lunch and Learn

 August  2022

Annette Hurley, Managing Director of The Career College, speaking at the Multicultural Professionals Association Lunch N Learn on Diversity vs Inclusion in the workplace along with Nora Fraser, Founder & Managing Director, of the Multicultural Professionals Association. 


GCMAGIC is proud to announce that Women Empowerment and Leadership (WEL) has been successful in receiving funds for Connection, a project that aims to engage women’s groups for social and economic participation. Designed by GCMAGIC, Connection addresses the issues of social and cultural isolation faced by recently arrived women from Afghanistan, and promotes the empowerment of the women for the wellbeing of the wider community. The project was launched at WEL’s office in Brisbane on 22 July.

Publisher: GCMAGIC
Director: Nasrin Vaziri
Editor: Roselle Tenefrancia

 Empowered Mums TV

Join Annette on Fearless Mums in Business
Airing 2:45pm (AEST time),  2nd Monday of each Month
Check Out:

Southport State High School
Business Alliance Breakfast 

 Southport State High School Newsletter – 6 March 2020

Southport State High School: International Women’s Day Youth Breakfast and Mentoring Forum 2020

Recognised for her leadership, The Career College’s Managing Director Annette Hurley, was honoured to share the  Annual International Women’s Day Breakfast and Mentoring Forum with VIP guests: Jessica Zabawa, Dean of SSSHS year 10 and  Samantha Blake, Dean of SSSHS year 11. As well as  nine exceptional female students from Southport State High school. The Career College sponsored the IWD Youth Leadership in academics and the school community award 2020 and Annette Hurley was a youth mentor. 

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 Southport State High School Newsletter – 6 March 2020

Southport State High School Business Alliance Breakfast

CDMGURU’s Annette Hurley featured in the Executive Principal’s Report of Southport State High School’s Newsletter.

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 Southport State High School Newsletter – 21 February, 2020.

International Women’s Day 2019

The 2019 Official SBAA Official International Women’s Day Leadership Awards and Celebration Lunch The Gold Coast regions most prestigious annual event and leadership award program. Celebrating 24 years of recognising and inspiring female youth and women for their outstanding leadership and achievements in our community. 

8 March, 2019